
Czechoslovakia 1918 – 1939

The inter-war history of Czechoslovak postal transport and postage stamp production began together with the establishment of Czechoslovakia on the 28th October 1918. In the first days of the state‘s existence, the postal administration had to face the fact that Czechoslovak stamps did not yet exist. Therefore, Austrian and  Hungarian stamps had to be used temporarily on the Czechoslovak territory. In the beginning of mail transport, also various “semi-official” local stamps and overprints did appear. Following the validity termination of the Austrian and Hungarian stamps in February 1919 (definitively on 26.07.1919), the remaining stock was officially collected and overprinted by the letterpress overprint: “POŠTA ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ 1919”. This stamp issue is considered the most controversial, despite the fact some of the stamps belong to the rarest Czechoslovak ones. For the purposes of military field post in Russia were used Russian stamps, respectively stamps made in Russia.

The first Czechoslovak stamp, so-called Hradčany (Castle), printed by letterpress, is the most attractive and extensive stamp issue for philatelists. This is because of the technological state and possibilities at the time, as well as the absence of experience. Before Hradčany were issued semi-official scout stamps.

From 1920 until the disintegration of Czechoslovakia in 1939, the Czechoslovak stamps marked a significant development, when printing quality gradually increased.

At the time of the lack of stamps with a special purpose (e.g. airmail, postage due, newspapers), postage stamps with a respective overprint were utilised for such special purposes. This is how the, now legendary, rarest Czechoslovak stamp – the DOPLATIT 50/50 error print – came into existence.

When composing the exhibit, the author chose a selective and chronological concept, taking into account the exceptional samples of stamps complemented by extraordinary entires and stationeries. Author´s own research and publishing activities of last years focused on DOPLATIT 50/50 error print: A ešte raz 50/50, Filatelie 11/2013; Z Popolušky kráľovná, Merkur 5/2016 and on the Hradčany postage stamps: Hradčany, 30 h fialová, nezúbkovaná, s pečiatkou Janské Lázně (a okolie), Filatelie 5/2017; Vzácna známka Hradčany, 100 h hnedá! Zpravodaj 2/2018; Hradčany, katalóg k výstave Nitrafila 2018; Poštové použitie Hradčany 10 h zelená, nezúbkovaná, Merkur 3/2018; Poštové použitie Hradčany 10 h zelená, nezúbkovaná, rámčekový typ, Merkur 5/2019; Poštové použitie Hradčany 10 h zelená, nezúbkovaná, 2, Merkur 4/2019.

Chapter 1: Austrian and Hungarian stamps period; Hungarian postage due stamps (black numbers) on entire, Austrian 10 Kr stamp on letter with declared value; Overprint POŠTA ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ 1919; types (12 h); paper (10 K, granite); watermark, and perforation (black numbers); blocks (MAGYAR POSTA); tabs (5 h); Russian 10 kop,Češskja počta Overprint.

Chapter 2: First Czechoslovak stamps period; scout stamps – Příjezd presidenta Masaryka Overprint; Hradčany: tête-bêche (100, 200 h), gutters, cross (5, 10, 20 h), types (15, 20, 500 h), plate flaws, perforation (15, 30 h); forgeries (Vejprty); overprint – airmail (500 h), SO 1920 Overprint (20 h), postage due (15 h).

Chapter 3General Czechoslovak issues period; gutters (Nitra 1 K); miniature sheets (BRATISLAVA 1937); perforation, watermarks (TGM), overprints (DOPLATIT 50/50)


Notations under individual items: Printing plate: PP (I-VIII); Sheet position: SP (1-104); Overprint plate: OP (1-4); Overprint sheet position: OSP (1-104); Types and sub-types: I-IV t, a-d; Perforation: P, comb C, line L, mixed M; Watermark: W (w-z; 1-8); Plate flaw: PF; Postal tariff period: PTP (I-VI), Retouching: RT.

U: unique, RRR : extraordinary rarity, RR : exist max. 5 pcs, R : exist max. 20 pcs, E: certificate (expertise)
